Abandon rate (ABN)

The number of customers who abandon the queue after waiting for a given time period (30 seconds, 90 seconds, 10 minutes.etc.), expressed as a percentage of total contacts.

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Abandoned call rate (ACR)

The percentage of calls that are disconnected by the caller before being answered by an agent.

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After call work (ACW)

The "wrap-up time" associated with a contact beyond the actual communication with the customer. This can include tagging or flagging the contact appropriately, adding notes for future support, rerouting the contact to the proper team or solving their underlying problem.‍

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Agent occupancy

The percentage of time agents are actively engaged in customer interactions, balancing productivity with potential burnout and resource efficiency.

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Agent state

Agent states are the possible states an agent can be in; they include: logged in, away, or on-call. Agent states are taken from your connected support platform. Agent states are used to determine an agent's adherence in the Realtime Overview.

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Agent utilization

Agent utilization is a measure of how effectively agents are using their time at work.

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Arrival pattern

A structured representation of the times and frequencies of inbound contacts derived from an analysis of past contacts, designed to identify peaks and troughs in contact frequency.

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The rate at which employees leave your support team. This can be both external (leave the company) and internal (move to a different team). It can also be voluntary or involuntary.‍

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Automated speech recognition (ASR)

ASR stands for automated speech recognition. It's a technology that turns spoken words into written text using AI.

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Availability rate

The proportion of time that an agent is actively ready to work with customers but not engaged directly with a customer contact, i.e. their time between contacts or waiting for a customer contact.‍

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Average resolution time (ART)

Average Resolution Time (ART) or Time to Resolution or Mean Time To Resolution (MTTR) is the average time call centre agents take to solve opened tickets in a specified period.

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Average speed of answer (ASA)

The mean of all first response times for your support team.‍

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Average talk time (ATT)

Average talk time (ATT) is the amount of time that an agent spends in handling customer calls and resolving their queries.

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Average time to abandon (ATA)

Average time to abandon (ATA) is also known as the Average Patience of the caller.

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