Schedule adherence

The amount of agent time actually spent in accordance with their scheduled tasks as a proportion of their total scheduled time.

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Schedule conformance

The amount of agent time actually spent working as a proportion of their total time scheduled to work, regardless of their adherence.

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Schedule efficiency

The degree to which your scheduled staff aligns to a given interval's projected requirement. This can be expressed as a percentage of alignment in absolute value.

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Service level

Your team’s stated objective for the amount of time until your first response to a customer. Also referred to as service level agreement (SLA).

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The reduction in productivity associated with managing a real-life workforce instead of theoretical FTEs.

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Sites are a filter typically used to reflect physical location, such as APAC, EMEA, New York, or San Francisco.

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Skills are a filter that can be used to reflect a specific type of proficiency that is useful for particular cases or customers. If people on your team have specializations, you can indicate that with Skills.‍

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Southern swing shift schedule

A type of work schedule commonly used where employees work rotating shifts that include both day and night shifts.

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Speech analytics

The process of analyzing and extracting insights from recorded conversations between customers and support representatives.

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If a person is Staffable in Assembled, this indicates that they can be scheduled on the staffing timeline.

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Staffing timeline

The Staffing Timeline is where you can view your forecasting and staffing requirements and view or create your team's schedule.

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