Feeling limited by CommunityWFM?

In a fast-paced business environment, your workforce management platform needs to be as agile and adaptable as you are. Assembled provides the scalability, customization, and insights that modern teams need to thrive, while CommunityWFM has limited features for simpler needs.

Assembled vs. CommunityWFM
Highly customizable roles and permissions and advanced configurations
Flexible, open API capabilities for deep integrations and real-time data syncs
Data-driven forecasting with support for seasonality, historical data, and multi-channel
Scheduling automations for rapidly scaling multi-channel teams
Customizable analytics and reporting with rich data insights
Purpose-built for omnichannel and asynchronous support
Contact platform agnostic (multi-platform stack); no vendor lock-ins
Tools to better manage BPO vendor commitments and performance
Fast, reliable product updates for WFM; no competing priorities
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Assembled customers see real results. Are you next?

Learn how industry leaders are using Assembled to cut down on operational costs, increase agent adherence, and improve their service levels.

Gain total visibility into support operations

Assembled's robust historical data and real-time reporting ensure you have the information you need, when you need it. Zoom out for teamwide insights, drill down into agent performance, or analyze forecast accuracy — all from one platform. CommunityWFM isn't built to handle the reporting customization and depth required for complex operations.

Improve agent performance with QA

MaestroQA, evaluagent, Observe.ai, and Klaus integrations pull QA scores seamlessly into Agent Scorecards for additional reporting insights and better agent coaching opportunities. CommunityWFM lacks the advanced integrations and insights that drive continuous improvement.

Tailor to your unique business needs

Custom real-time dashboards, configurable queues, custom permissions and roles in Assembled keep your business running your way. With limited options for your team setup, CommunityWFM doesn't have the advanced customization that scaling businesses need to thrive.

contact platform integrations illo

Leverage data with flexible integrations

Endless integrations, an open API, and extensive CSV export options give you the flexibility to integrate with your business intelligence tools, ensuring company-wide visibility. CommunityWFM's limited API and integration options slow down data-driven decision-making.

Stay in sync with your BPOs

Assembled Vendor Management puts you in control over BPO performance. Use our WFM integration to pull in BPO schedules, plan out BPO commitments, and see reporting all in one dashboard. CommunityWFM isn't designed to keep you plugged into your BPO teams, leaving you with more questions than answers.

Switching to Assembled is easy

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Want to know how Assembled can help your team rise to the occasion? Set up time with us to learn more!